Eric Larson

A professional headshot of Eric Larson taken from the shoulders up. He is a white man in his late 20s with blonde hair and a small beard. He wears a blue shirt and stands against a concrete background.


of Toot Performance

Eric Larson is a theatre and performance creator and producer based in Minneapolis, MN. He is a 2016 graduate of the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. In addition to his work with Toot Performance, Eric has created a number of full-length performances and many shorter pieces over the past eight years. He’s toured that work to Tallahassee, New Orleans, and Duluth. In Minneapolis, his work has been performed at The Southern Theater, Red Eye Theater, Intermedia Arts, Patrick’s Cabaret, The Soap Factory, The Red Stag, Bryant-Lake Bowl, Fresh Oysters Performance Research, honey mpls, Hair + Nails, and in numerous basements and outdoor spaces.

As an arts administrator Eric has worked for Fusebox Festival, LALA Fest, Rosy Simas Danse, and Aniccha Arts.

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Headshot: Douglas Beasley
Background photo: Zoe Cinel